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안녕하세요 ~

"I shut myself up deep down in those gloomy memories and only went about chasing those shadows ... I want to love everything now. I will run until the end of that faraway sky. Even if I lose those precious memories, I have gained a new future."

: Miranda. Akai. 18. Florida. Seoul .
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written on Friday, November 2, 2012 @ 6:28 PM ✈

Dave and his coconut! ㅋㅋㅋ 

  1. So from Saturday until early Thursday morning, Dave was here! A lot of things happened, and I feel really glad I made the decision to bring him out here. I feel like my outlook on some things have changed in a positive way. I want to be more active and put more work into meeting people. 
So first of all Barbara and I rented the car Saturday night to go pick him up in Ft. Lauderdale. It was awkward at first, of course, but we stopped by fatman's on the way back and also to get some drinks. Once we made it to the dorm it was still pretty awkward but once we started talking it wasn't. We just chilled for the night. 

Sunday we were all pretty tired and slept in pretty late. I rented the car once more and we went to eat breakfast at denny's. When we came back we didn't know what to really do for the day but was thinking about heading over to South Beach, but instead we ended up going to Maido's for sushi! I had real sushi for the first time and we also had some hot sake :) It was all really good. 

We knew we weren't going to make it back in time for the rental car and since we had to extend the time on the car anyways we added two more hours. We headed to Ocean Drive so Dave could see the beach! We took a bottle of wine we had bought and went to sit on the beach for a few hours. It was really nice, the beaches here are really beautiful at night! We drank a little more in the dorm and passed out for the night. 

Monday I had classes so I woke up and went to my classes and when I came back, we drank some and got  a cab to the hotel we had booked in South Beach. It was a small hotel called La Flora, it was right in the middle of everything to do so it was nice, we could walk to different things. We walked on the beach for a while, and then wanted to eat some real food! (Dave is a cook after all) 

We ended up going to the Bazaar by Jose Andres. It was really fancy and not something I was used to at all! Everything was soooo expensive!! 

Dave ordered us the Red Sangrio which alone was 50$!!

We drank all this between two people!! TT 

I tried so many new things!!!

After we left the hotel where the restaurant was we headed back to our hotel. I was pretty tipsy walking back. We saw a tattoo shop and I almost got a tattoo, the guy had it drew up and everything. But when he gave me the price I remembered the guy at home could do it cheaper ( I am glad I did not now LOL)

After going back to the hotel we chilled for the night. The next morning the we had plans to go on the Miami food tour, so we woke up got ready and checked out of our hotel. We looked around for the hostel Dave was going to be staying at that night to put our stuff down. When we got there it looked pretty sketchy. 

After we put our stuff there we took a cab a few blocks to the meeting place for the food tour. It was only us and one other person on the tour. We ate a lot of samples of different kinds of food. 
After the food tour I found out Barbara couldn't pick me up and I did not have a way back to the school so I ended up booking the last bed in the hostel. After checking in we went to go hang out on the beach for a while. 

After hanging on the beach for a while we went to buy some more drinks and I was pretty drunk. Bree , Sam, and their roommate came over to meet us for a drink. We went to a small dinner, and I was still pretty drunk. I ordered a drink there, and so did Sam. 

Afterwards I tried to get Dave to get a hotel with me instead so we could be in the same room, but he suggested we just sleep in his room at the hostel and it all worked out. The next day Barbara picked me up from the hostel and I went to classes. After Classes we went back to South Beach to hang out with Dave a little more before he left. We drank one last time and then headed to the airport. However we did not calculate the traffic that we would run into and we missed his flight. We got lucky and they got him on a flight from the next morning at 6 AM. 

We were worried how we were going to get him back to the airport because we were ALL out of money, but luckily he had 50$ on him and we found a shuttle for 47$ 

In a way I was glad he missed his flight cause it was more time to say goodbye. (I'm selfish ;p)

But as for tonight my mom is coming to get me and my roommate to go home. 

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