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안녕하세요 ~

"I shut myself up deep down in those gloomy memories and only went about chasing those shadows ... I want to love everything now. I will run until the end of that faraway sky. Even if I lose those precious memories, I have gained a new future."

: Miranda. Akai. 18. Florida. Seoul .
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recent update :
written on Friday, February 10, 2012 @ 12:55 PM ✈

Dimple Couple! ♥

지금은 비가온다!

It has been pretty gloomy these last few days, and I love this weather. It is finally raining! Today I skipped my two classes... Recently it seems being around so many people again is stressing me out. I really don't like it. I keep hoping it will get better when I get out of this area, and school. So we will see. Anyways I slept in quite late today, and when I woke up found there was a package from my mom! Photobucket She sent me about 30 face masks! There is a huge international market by her house I discovered when I went there over the summer, and the masks are really cheap there, like 20 cents!

She also sent me really cute Micky Mouse pajamas! They are adorable. My Micky Mouse collection is growing. Me gusta (:

This summer I am thinking about spending a month or two in Indiana... Since my Mom is going to be driving down for my graduation with my dad, I will just ride back up with them and buy a plane ticket home. But I am not sure yet. That would mean I wouldn't have my job to save up some money over the summer. But it would also be nice to spend time with all of them before going to college. I will see about it.

I started watching Leeteuk's We got Married, because I needed something to brighten my mood. It is really cute. I think he is the only one in Super Junior I actually find attractive PhotobucketHe makes it seem like he really likes his "wife" Kang Sora, or maybe I'm just delusional wishing that were the case.
I only have a few episodes before I have to wait each week for one, I really hate that! XD I will probably wait and just watch it when all the episodes air.... Photobucket

I also discovered today that Kang Sora, is also the main girl in Dream High 2, so that made me want to watch it even more!!

This weekend I have a few plans! Photobucket

Photobucket Get some online school work done

Photobucket Watch Dream High 2

Photobucket Watch Mblaq's Hello Baby ♥

Photobucket Watch the two new episodes of "The Moon That Embraces the Sun" ♥

Photobucket Learn the "Gee" Dance. Since I promised a friend.

Photobucket Exersise

Photobucket Catch up on some sleep!

This was a long post ...미안해요 ㅠㅠ

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