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안녕하세요 ~

"I shut myself up deep down in those gloomy memories and only went about chasing those shadows ... I want to love everything now. I will run until the end of that faraway sky. Even if I lose those precious memories, I have gained a new future."

: Miranda. Akai. 18. Florida. Seoul .
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recent update :
「Daily Happenings」
written on Wednesday, June 26, 2013 @ 8:53 PM ✈

This guy is growing on me~ 김남길

So today I worked early hours but it was short, 5- 9 am. I woke up to my uniform still being in the washer soaking wet. So that kind of sucked but the shift went by fast and easy. After work I came home and pretty much passed out until about 2:30. When I woke up I had decided I wanted to go shopping some! Waited for my friend to get off work, he took forever to leave his house ㅠㅠ.

I got bored while I was waiting! ㅎ_ㅎ

He finally arrived and we went to pick up 윤이~  And off to ross we went! I ended up buying a new dress and a cute shirt! 

We had planned to go to the mall but, We had to get back before dark because my friends car lights were out, so we did not go to the mall.

We came back and I cleaned up some, and am just chilling. I don't have work tomorrow so I plan on doing nothing. Yay! 

I was scheduled to work on Friday from 3pm- 11pm, but I switched with a friend for 5am -1 pm. I much rather work the mornings than the afternoon/ evenings.

Then back to work with Luta on Saturday~

A friend and I are thinking about making a small trip to LA or SF before school, so mid august, but we are not sure we might just do a trip to Key West instead. We will decide when we see our money situation a month from now. Or maybe I should hold on to my money for Miami. We will see.

For tonight I am going to take a shower and start writing a fanfic I have had in my mind. 

OH! I also started watching 2 new dramas that are really good. I can hear your voice. and Shark. They are  both really good. I love the cast in both.  Shark is a lot more serious and intense, but I really enjoy both. I also plan on watching more Shark tonight as well as tomorrow. 

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「C O N T I N U E。」
written on Friday, June 21, 2013 @ 10:49 AM ✈

I really like 이종석 recently! 

It has been a while again, opps. 

It's already the end of June, and only a couple more months of summer left! I have been spending a lot of my time working or with 윤이! Home has been pretty sucky recently so it's nice to be able to get away from it as much as possible! It's not like it is unbearable at home because, it's just the little things that annoy me so much. 

Also I have made the decision to go back to Miami this fall for a year instead of Korea. Why? I think it is the better option for now, I am young and still have time to go back to Korea later, and I really should focus on school more this year. My GPA really sucks!! Also it is 윤이 's last year down there then I will be alone  ㅠㅠ I sent in my housing agreement on Monday, so I am just waiting to hear back from them... I hope I get in the new dorms... but they might be full already;; I want a big bed!

I am hoping by the end of the summer I will have enough money saved up for a car, but we will see. It's going to be a bummer not having a car down there! 

Other than that not too much different has been happening. Most of the time 윤이 and I just chill or go to eat, festering while watching movies or listening to chill music, and chit chatting. 

Today I have work at 3, and tomorrow we are cleaning with boss lady again :) We are going to ask her if she could possibly use us one more  day of the week. The extra money would be nice. 

I will blog more regularly from now on~ 

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written on Saturday, June 1, 2013 @ 9:23 PM ✈

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It's been awhile since I have blogged here! I have been blogging or ranting mostly on my tumblr these days. But I kind of miss blogging here and customizing my posts and such, also this is more private.

Anyways a lot has happened since I blogged here I guess.

I have gotten a job, and even though it's far away I enjoy it. Now it's the summer time and I am stuck at home, and just trying to save so I can prepare to go to Korea in the fall again.

So Dave had said he was going to come out in the summer, but not anymore. As a matter of fact I have decided I am pretty much done. I have suffered enough from whatever this is, and dealt with things I really shouldn't have. Whenever I said something that upset him or he didn't want to hear it was automatically because I was a 'kid.' I mean I know I am younger, and there are things I am sure he knows more about in life than me but at the same time he doesn't mind treating me like an adult in other aspects. So I got tired of it.

I also kept thinking about the way he treated me in SF the 3 days I was there. And I forgave him so easily at the time , but now I am soooo done.

I don't really know what to blog about today since so much has happened since I blogged here so I will try to blog more regularly~

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Leaving Sooner than Expected
written on Friday, February 22, 2013 @ 3:13 AM ✈

So my trip is getting short. It's not that I'm not happy here, but I feel like being a student here with no way of income is just not the best option., I would spend almost all my time being stressed about money and everything. I decided it will be best to get my money back on my tuition and come back in march. I want to focus on getting my degree in Florida and then come back to Korea as a teacher. I think that is the best option. I have rushed into this not listening to anyone and have realized how hard it is. I am so young I have so much time to get back here. 

I have learned many life lessons in even just this one week I have been here.

Anyways tonight I am going to Hongdae with a girl from Germany I met from tumblr, who I met with the other day. We are going to eat some dinner, get some soju, and go clubbing. 

Since I will have some money coming back I might stay in SF for a few days, to see Dave, yes but also to see the city. 

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Moved again....
written on Thursday, February 21, 2013 @ 4:53 AM ✈

So I stayed one night in the hasukjib and I could not stand it. The atmosphere there was really horrible and awkward. Everyone stayed in their rooms, and even at dinner no one said a word. The ahjumma and ahjusshi didnt speak English. And it was surrounded by love motels, and there were drunken ahjusshi outside my window all night yelling.

So when I woke up I kind of had a break down and was crying on skype. I talked with my grandma some and she is going to help me some money wise and told me I should move back to the hostel. I didn't go to the one from before because the owners are different now. So I went to the other guesthouse where Dave had stayed for a few months. It is the same price as the hasukjib and I got most of my money back from the hasukjib. 

I have been here the day and I am already happier. When I arrived I ran into Ye Jin! My korean friend I met in Septemeber, she worked at the old guesthouse. 

I was excited to see her :) We had had plans to meet on Saturday. And I went out for dinner with a few of the people here. So I am not spending all my time alone now. 

I think I will be a lot happier here, it is also in Hongdae, the area I know and am comfortable in :) 

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I'm alive~!
written on Tuesday, February 19, 2013 @ 2:41 PM ✈

So I made it to Korea alive! So many things have changed here since September. There are new owners for the guesthouse I am at, and the only person still working here that I knew is Nora, a hungarian girl, but she is going back to Hungary on Thursday. Also our favorite cafe near by that we had went to everyday has changed owners as well. I was so sad I wanted to see the Ahjushii.

I am still really jetlagged and it's freezing, although everyone is saying it is getting warmer.... to me it is so cold! I had to buy a scarf. So I arrived to the guesthouse Monday night and Gyu Jae met up with me and we went to eat Kimbap, and dokkbokki. Afterwards we went to something called and Alcohol house. It was like a bar except was set up like a restaurant. I tried Makgeoli (Korean rice wine) I didn't get tipsy off it but it definitely gave me a bad hangover today! 

I woke up super early this morning around 6:30 am, even after sleeping at 1 am. I had plans to go look around for some rooms, but my laptop was dead and I had to use it to find where to look. So.. I went ona  search for a power adapter, I ended up in Edae ( 2 subway stops away) and a friend told me on kakao I could find them in Ewha University's bookstore. So I headed there (THERE ARE TOO MANY HILLS IN KOREA ITS KILLING ME)  Afterwards I journeyed back to the guesthouse, and the owner had made some kimchi fried rice...so I ate, and then I had an appointment with a girl from craigslist to look at a room. So I had to go BACK to Edae. The house was nice, but on a huuuge hill, and was walking distance to the school, and price was about 270$ a month... but she wanted 500$ deposit (which I get back but still)

So I told her I would let her know. I came back to the guesthouse again and took a nap.... at 7 I met with a girl from tumblr who was going to help me look for a room. I found she is from Florida too! 

We went to go eat first and we had korean bbq. It was /really/ good. There was an adorable guy working there that spoke english pretty good and he was really nice to us! We also had some Soju and Beer.

When we left we were both a bit tipsy and it was very cold but we started looking for rooms. The first place we went to had a room available. We went in to see it, and it was nice. It was big had a bed, tv, desk, and place to hang clothes. There are 2 meals a day provided and it's about 10-15 minute walk to the school. The price is kind of high though 420$ a month, so we continued downt the street and saw multiple hasuks, but none of them had rooms available. So we went back to the first place and I made plans to move in later today... (its 4am now this jetlag is killing me) 

I will probably only stay there for the first month until I find something cheaper...

I also decided I think after the 4 months I am going to go back home, and focus more on my FIU classes. I think I will do the study abroad next year instead. 

Right now I am the only one awake in the guesthouse, but I am going to catch up on school work :) 

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☆15 Days Until D-Day! ☆
written on Friday, February 1, 2013 @ 2:52 PM ✈

I really really like this song recently. 
"But I'll be fine, Oh, Don't you Worry.
Cause I'll be fine, See I'm in a hurry to be gone away awhile.
Tell me all the things that I, I'll be missing in this old life,
Cause I just don't know."

So a lot has happened since the last time I have blogged, here anyways. So, basically I have everything booked. It seems like it took so long, and so much work! After my money from financial aid arrived, I went and paid the tuition to Sogang University's Language program. I then had to wait for them to send me my enrollment paper,s and certificate of admission, and the receipt.. to apply for my visa. I had a lot of questions about my visa and such, since I don't know if I will be staying in Seoul until next year with the other program for Korea University.

I had called the consulate in Atlanta, since it is the one in charge of Florida too. I called two different times and spoke to two different people, who were both rude and didn't answer any of my questions. So I finally decided to call the Embassy of Korea in DC. Finally, I got a hold of someone who answered my questions....

Photobucket Yes I can renew a D-4 visa in Korea
Photobucket No, I don't have to have a returning ticket to enter Korea with  a D-4 Visa

I sent in my Visa on Tuesday, and I sent it certified, but on regular time, and then they said it could take up to 5 days to process the visa, and paid extra to have 2 day shipping back. I really really hope it gets here by the time I leave on Feb 16.

So then after I sent in my visa, I looked for the cheapest flights to seoul! All of the flights from Orlando had extremely long overs, or way to short. There was one flight for a decent price that had a 1 hour layover, however from expierence when switching from a domestic to international flight you have to exit the gates completely and go through security again on the other side of the airport, and there is just no way you could make it in one hour.

Then the other ones with like 3 hour lay overs cost around 200-500$ more than one with a 12 hour layover... So the flight I ended up with has 2 transfers one in Texas, with an hour layover, and one in San Francisco. I will be in San Francisco for 12 hours ;____; And then have a 12 hour flight on top of that... but it was the best price.

I also have a couple of nights booked at the hostel I stayed at in Hongade before, so I can have a few days to go look around at where I am going to stay...

I'm ready to party Hongdae Style :))

Everyone says that I am crazy for going alone, for even trying to do this. And they might be right... but I think the whole experience will be a good one, and I think it will change me and shape me in positive ways. 

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