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안녕하세요 ~

"I shut myself up deep down in those gloomy memories and only went about chasing those shadows ... I want to love everything now. I will run until the end of that faraway sky. Even if I lose those precious memories, I have gained a new future."

: Miranda. Akai. 18. Florida. Seoul .
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recent update :
I'm alive~!
written on Tuesday, February 19, 2013 @ 2:41 PM ✈

So I made it to Korea alive! So many things have changed here since September. There are new owners for the guesthouse I am at, and the only person still working here that I knew is Nora, a hungarian girl, but she is going back to Hungary on Thursday. Also our favorite cafe near by that we had went to everyday has changed owners as well. I was so sad I wanted to see the Ahjushii.

I am still really jetlagged and it's freezing, although everyone is saying it is getting warmer.... to me it is so cold! I had to buy a scarf. So I arrived to the guesthouse Monday night and Gyu Jae met up with me and we went to eat Kimbap, and dokkbokki. Afterwards we went to something called and Alcohol house. It was like a bar except was set up like a restaurant. I tried Makgeoli (Korean rice wine) I didn't get tipsy off it but it definitely gave me a bad hangover today! 

I woke up super early this morning around 6:30 am, even after sleeping at 1 am. I had plans to go look around for some rooms, but my laptop was dead and I had to use it to find where to look. So.. I went ona  search for a power adapter, I ended up in Edae ( 2 subway stops away) and a friend told me on kakao I could find them in Ewha University's bookstore. So I headed there (THERE ARE TOO MANY HILLS IN KOREA ITS KILLING ME)  Afterwards I journeyed back to the guesthouse, and the owner had made some kimchi fried rice...so I ate, and then I had an appointment with a girl from craigslist to look at a room. So I had to go BACK to Edae. The house was nice, but on a huuuge hill, and was walking distance to the school, and price was about 270$ a month... but she wanted 500$ deposit (which I get back but still)

So I told her I would let her know. I came back to the guesthouse again and took a nap.... at 7 I met with a girl from tumblr who was going to help me look for a room. I found she is from Florida too! 

We went to go eat first and we had korean bbq. It was /really/ good. There was an adorable guy working there that spoke english pretty good and he was really nice to us! We also had some Soju and Beer.

When we left we were both a bit tipsy and it was very cold but we started looking for rooms. The first place we went to had a room available. We went in to see it, and it was nice. It was big had a bed, tv, desk, and place to hang clothes. There are 2 meals a day provided and it's about 10-15 minute walk to the school. The price is kind of high though 420$ a month, so we continued downt the street and saw multiple hasuks, but none of them had rooms available. So we went back to the first place and I made plans to move in later today... (its 4am now this jetlag is killing me) 

I will probably only stay there for the first month until I find something cheaper...

I also decided I think after the 4 months I am going to go back home, and focus more on my FIU classes. I think I will do the study abroad next year instead. 

Right now I am the only one awake in the guesthouse, but I am going to catch up on school work :) 

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