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안녕하세요 ~

"I shut myself up deep down in those gloomy memories and only went about chasing those shadows ... I want to love everything now. I will run until the end of that faraway sky. Even if I lose those precious memories, I have gained a new future."

: Miranda. Akai. 18. Florida. Seoul .
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recent update :
Sleepy (。-ω-)zzz
written on Saturday, July 7, 2012 @ 11:03 PM ✈

I haven't blogged in awhile! I also realized I have had this blog for a little over a year now :) 

Wednesday was the Fourth of July, and I met up with 윤이Photobucket
Cinnamon Tea Cafe 갔어요. 너무 좋아요.
We went to a new cafe and it was really nice! I enjoyed it a lot!Photobucket
아메리카노 마셨다. 아주 맛있었어요. 
I also had a Green Tea Chiller, which tasted a lot like mochi for some reason but it was also very good!

We sat around talking for a bit at the cafe and then headed to where the fireworks were. We got there a bit early but walked around some and talked about what if would be like to be with Yoochun and Yunho ㅎㅎ. We are silly.  

뿌잉 뿌잉 ! m(^^)m 

 오늘 비치 하우스청소했어요. 
Today I went to work to clean condos, and even though we had a lot of units to do, it went by really quick! I think it is because we had so many people haha.

I didn't sleep much last night and I am really tired now... 
머리가 아파요. ㅠㅠ 

Tomorrow 윤이 is going to pick me up after work and we are going to have a 동방신기 night :) I think it will be fun!

For tonight I just plan on practicing a bit of Korean and sleeping soon. (And waiting for TeukSo WGM episode 25 to be subbed


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