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안녕하세요 ~

"I shut myself up deep down in those gloomy memories and only went about chasing those shadows ... I want to love everything now. I will run until the end of that faraway sky. Even if I lose those precious memories, I have gained a new future."

: Miranda. Akai. 18. Florida. Seoul .
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recent update :
Busy Busy!
written on Friday, September 16, 2011 @ 4:16 PM ✈

Junsu is so beautiful in this MV!

I was sad that I was in class when the official video was realeased, but it was just as good a few hours later! The song and the video are just flawless. It brings back so many memories of the New Jersey Concert! Every I hear the ending, I think of them all facing each other and singing their hearts out, and JaeJoong crying ;_;

I like the other three songs a lot too! They are all really beautiful, and have been on repeat since they have been out haha!

I see to only blog when I am mad or upset now days, but I don't want to just post negative things. /sighs

Things I still need to get done:
Mail out Indiana University application tomorrow!
Finish Chemistry this weekend!
Get caught up on all my online classes!
Start some research for my biography due on Tuesday

Email my Psychology professed, because I missed the test date.
Skype with a special friend this weekend :D (You know who you are!)

Hmm I think that is about it... It would be nice to study a little Korean if I have some time as well.

This week I have been busy, applying to colleges and getting all the write forms and everything. My transcripts a re a little weird since I am taking a lot of classes now in my senior year, and it makes a bit worried whether I will be accepted to the colleges ;___; I kind of wish it was December already so I knew.

I signed up to take my SAT on Oct 1, and the ACT on Oct 22. I am a bit nervous since I do not do well on big tests m(_._)m and I will have very little time to retake either one as well, since the college deadlines will be coming up!

So I thought my friend was coming down next month, but stuff happened and I guess she isn't ;__;

I was really looking forward to it~ But she will visit soon ^o^!
My mom called to tell me my dad was in jail again, which honestly doesn't surprise me... but it's not like I see him much anyways.

I really hope to get accepted to one of the colleges I applied to, I want to move on with everything~

This post is kind of all over the place haha, but oh well (:

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