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안녕하세요 ~

"I shut myself up deep down in those gloomy memories and only went about chasing those shadows ... I want to love everything now. I will run until the end of that faraway sky. Even if I lose those precious memories, I have gained a new future."

: Miranda. Akai. 18. Florida. Seoul .
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recent update :
written on Friday, September 9, 2011 @ 10:25 PM ✈

Today I have felt pretty productive... but when I think about I really didn't get too much done ;A;

I woke up and was late to my one class of the day, because I didn't realize it was the pep rally bell scheldule, but that is okay I didn't mind.
I almost wanted to sleep through that class, but I am glad I didn't because my grandma took me to Denny's!

I also went to guidance to get some forms and my GPA and senior scheldule, etc etc for the college applications. However they refused to talk to me and made me an appointment two weeks away!

I am going back in on Monday to talk to them again though -___-;

I came home and napped a little because I was extremely tired, but I didn't get that much sleep m(_._)m

I drove a little, and then came home to do school work. I finished a whole chapter in my new advance algebra class \ o /

I have so many classes at the moment and it all feels a little overwhelming, but I know it will be worth it in the long run (:

I have also been looking for a job, with all the college application and acceptence fees, possible concert, and trying to go back to Indiana and Ohio on winter break, I need money ;___;

Not to mention I really need to come up with money for the new JYJ album ;A;

Anyways as for tonight I am going to possibly finally start watching protect the boss~

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