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안녕하세요 ~

"I shut myself up deep down in those gloomy memories and only went about chasing those shadows ... I want to love everything now. I will run until the end of that faraway sky. Even if I lose those precious memories, I have gained a new future."

: Miranda. Akai. 18. Florida. Seoul .
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recent update :
written on Wednesday, April 4, 2012 @ 9:45 PM ✈

I think Jiyong is becoming a bias... hehe. 

I have been really stressed recently, and it's making me very irritable.  It hit me today how much I really need to get done, and how much I have been slacking. I really need to get in a better mindset. Tomorrow I am skipping my morning class, (It's only 30 minutes) and staying home to sleep in, wake up and hopefully finally finish up some online classes. Then go to speech tomorrow evening.

Everything is done and sent to FIU :) So I am glad to have that out of the way. I also start working on Saturday again (Yay!)  I hope I can work every week now... I really need the money. Once school is out I will also apply for some part time jobs...

Anyways for tonight I'm going to watch the new episode of Rooftop Prince and sleep. :)

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