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안녕하세요 ~

"I shut myself up deep down in those gloomy memories and only went about chasing those shadows ... I want to love everything now. I will run until the end of that faraway sky. Even if I lose those precious memories, I have gained a new future."

: Miranda. Akai. 18. Florida. Seoul .
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recent update :
「Good Day! 」
written on Thursday, March 15, 2012 @ 6:16 PM ✈


I feel like even though I didn't do much today, that it was a good day. I went to class to make up a quiz, and then it became spring break! (Well as close to spring break as I get with the overlapping of the high school and college. Photobucket)

I fell asleep when I got home, and then made plans to hang out with my friend... but my grandma wanted me to stay home and babysit instead... so I couldn't go ㅠㅠ
Instead I watched the second part of Big Bang's Running Man. They are so cute sometimes I don't even know what to think. 하하

I have been talking to a few people on the penpal website, and I feel like my korean is improving even if just a little. I really need to study more. Tonight I will, for sure. If I do not create a blog post here with some korean later tonight please hunt me down... Photobucket

I feel like I have been so busy recently between School and volunteering at the library... I have been getting quite a few hours this week and since I have nothing to do tomorrow I might call and ask if they need any help... Sunday they want me to come in 12-5 *dead* But I need the hours so I will do it~

I did not get accepted to FSU, but it was because I was overlooking one of the requirements on the ACT. If I had realized sooner I could have re-taken the test. But oh well. I am happy with going to Miami as well. It will probably be better since I know a few people down there and my friend who is graduating with me is going there as well.

Also my Big Bang CD finally came! I think it took so long, because the case is literally metal. And I cut my finger opening it... but other than that it is flawless :D I got the TOP version... and it came with a nice little photobooklet, and a YG card of him. The poster that came with it is a little creepy though, and really big... but I will still make room for it on my wall!

Next month I plan on buying 2AM's new CD and also CNBLUE's new CD... my collection is growing. Even though I know I should be saving money... I have a feeling Big Bang won't be coming for awhile because they aren't starting in Japan until May and into June... so I have time to save for them.

hm... what else was I going to say here...

I guess nothing else, I need to work on some online work and study korean...


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