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안녕하세요 ~

"I shut myself up deep down in those gloomy memories and only went about chasing those shadows ... I want to love everything now. I will run until the end of that faraway sky. Even if I lose those precious memories, I have gained a new future."

: Miranda. Akai. 18. Florida. Seoul .
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recent update :
★【G O 】★
written on Thursday, December 1, 2011 @ 8:44 PM ✈

"Go" - Aziatix
I have started to really like this band... Different from what I normally listen to. They won an award at the MAMA's and I think it is the only result I was happy with -pouts-

It's been a few weeks since I lasted wrote. I have been meaning to write, but keep putting it off. So much has happened that I just want to write down and put it to the back of mind. So this post will probably be all over the place but I might clean it up later. (:

So, first of all things with Kimi didn't work out very long. I knew from the beginning it wouldn't. I had a lot of mixed feelings for awhile. I really don't open myself up easily but over the years I have gotten close to her. But she never would open to me. When I would ask what is wrong she would say nothing, and I never pushed it.

Well the few days we were 'together' she opened up, and it was nice, and she talked to me much more. But decided she didn't want to do the whole long distance thing.

At first I was angry at her, then myself. Before she had pretty much given me no hope of anything, so I was getting over how I felt, and I was happy with school and fandom, and my friend I met in New York. Then she randomly suggests we try. I still don't know why I agreed. And I don't feel like I'm expressing how I felt very well here.... It's hard to explain. Although I think both of our idea's of a relationship are different, and it's probably for the best we stopped.

She seems to be the kind of person to date to be close to anyone, That sounds different than how I mean it. But to me a relationship means more? I know I'm young but I don't want to just mess around. I told her I wasn't going to sit around waiting for her anymore, telling her to have a good day everyday and such things that have became a habit. She said she didn't expect me to, and yet occasionally I find myself doing so.

It's frustrating at times because I don't really know what to think of her, since I have never really though of her as a /friend/.

I also have sooo much school work to get done the next few weeks.
★1000 Word critique summary on 'Very Old Man with Enormous Wings' (Make up for missing in class writing)
★2000 word research paper, Critique on Choice short story due wednesday.
★ Finish Adv.Algebra , US Govt, and Personal Fitness Online by Wednesday
★Finish Project due tomorrow in Algebra II
★Take test for online classes at HS.

I think that is all.... I hope so T^T I also found out on of the colleges I applied for it is required to have a credit of pre-calc or higher, or college algebra. So I have to go take the test again and see if I can get into college Algebra for this semester. And also have to sin up for human nutrition to make up a lacking elective credit. ;A; I just want winter break to be here, I plan on looking for a job for the break but i'm not sure, I might just take the time to relax or get volunteer hours ^_^

I have been sick for almost 2 weeks now! I miss this whole week of school, and been to the doctors twice. I think I am finally getting over whatever it was I had, but I still have an earache, cough, and sinus headache.
There are so many family issues recently too, but I have been trying to ignore them for the most part, and focus on my school.
I know there was more I wanted to write but it has slipped my mind, and I need to get back to work...

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