"I shut myself up deep down in those gloomy memories and only went about chasing those shadows ... I want to love everything now. I will run until the end of that faraway sky. Even if I lose those precious memories, I have gained a new future."
: Miranda. Akai. 18. Florida. Seoul . + follow | Email | Seoul | twitter | Tumblr 서울메이트:
recent update :
written on Tuesday, July 19, 2011 @ 12:50 AM ✈
Today I went to the college to find out about taking my CPT again. I have one more chance to take it But last time I was only a few points short! I really want to take an English class their so I have it out of the way for when I do go to College m(_._)m I also have been feeling stress out about finishing all these classes before school starts TT TT. My thoughts have been wandering recently and I don't like where they are going... The thoughts are haunting my dreams even. ;___; Yesterday I made the Instant JaJaMyeong Noodles I got at the korean restaraunt... 맛없어요!!!! ㅠㅠ I have studied quite a bit of korean this evening and I feel good about that! I have really been slacking in my Korean ;___; 미스리플리보고싶어요!!! But it is not subtitled yet ;o; I will wait, I think for tonight I will write some, and maybe read some fanfics! 차잘! 2 comment[s] | back to top |